Shades of Shearing
“Shades of Shearing” is a band of top British jazz musicians led by pianist Nick Tomalin, dedicated to the music of the great (and Battersea-born) George Shearing. The show will celebrate the distinctive sound of the classic Shearing Quintet as well as highlighting the work of this influential and important British pianist who found fame when he settled in the US in the late 40s.
“Shades of Shearing” is a band of top British jazz musicians led by pianist Nick Tomalin, dedicated to the music of the great (and Battersea-born) George Shearing. The show will celebrate the distinctive sound of the classic Shearing Quintet as well as highlighting the work of this influential and important British pianist who found fame when he settled in the US in the late 40s. The repertoire includes Shearing’s best known compositions and arrangements of ‘Lullaby of Birdland’ and ‘September in the Rain’ but also features slightly more obscure tunes like ‘Consternation’ and ‘Quintessence’